Conference Scholarships

Meeting Scholarships and Travel Awards for Spring 2025 Harrisburg Meeting.

There are three awards available for each conference:

  1. Marsha Trimble Meeting and Travel Award ($600)
  2. Joan Echtenkamp Klein Meeting and Travel Award ($600)
  3. Karen A. Stuart Local History Collection Workshop & Conference Attendance Award ($300)

Additional information about each award is included below.


Applicants for awards should submit the following:

  1. Cover letter that includes:

    1. Award for which you are applying (name and amount)
    2. Statement of financial need
    3. Expected benefits of attending the conference (citing specific sessions or workshops of interest)
  2. Resume

  3. Letter of reference from a person with knowledge of the applicant’s work sent directly to the MARAC Scholarship Committee Chair, Tesa Burns, via email at [email protected].


Stay tuned for the Spring 2025 Harrisburg Meeting application deadline.

To Apply

Send a single PDF of the cover letter and resume to Tesa Burns, MARAC Scholarship Committee Chair, at [email protected]. Letter of recommendation should be sent by the reference as a PDF directly to Tesa Burns, MARAC Scholarship Committee Chair, at [email protected]. Please include MARAC Scholarship Application in the subject line. All applicants will receive an email confirming their application has been received.

Meeting & Travel Awards

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) offers the Marsha Trimble Meeting and Travel Award and Joan Echtenkamp Klein Meeting and Travel Award for attendance at its conferences and other meeting events.

Scholarship funds may be used for registration, workshops, lodging, conference meals, and other travel expenses. Persons meeting the criteria outlined below are encouraged to apply.


For these awards, an individual must currently:

● Be employed in the MARAC region in an archival or archives-related position, OR
● Be enrolled as a graduate student in a program that includes courses in archival administration OR
● Be a MARAC member in good standing

Karen A. Stuart Local History Collection Workshop & Conference Attendance Award

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) offers awards for one full or half-day workshop, and conference registration, including the meals. Please note this award does not cover any travel expenses, but only the registration costs outlined up to the amount of $150.

Named in memory of Karen A. Stuart, a Library of Congress archivist who had been head librarian at the Maryland Historical Society, this award is expressly aimed at those associated with Local History Collections. Active with MARAC on the Publications Committee and also as Maryland Caucus Chair, Karen maintained a life-long interest in local history and genealogy, respecting and encouraging the scholarly practice of each. In her career, she assisted thousands of researchers investigating Maryland local history, and through her guidance she also impacted the careers of local history practitioners throughout the state. Karen loved local history so it is fitting that this award bears her name as MARAC supports the professional growth of others dedicated to the field.


Individuals must currently be associated with a local history collection that is open to the public on a regular basis in the MARAC region. Volunteers as well as paid staff are eligible. Priority is given to local history collections located in the meeting’s host city for the purpose of networking opportunities, but will not exclude other applicants.

Leonard Rapport Modern Archives Institute Scholarships

NOTE:  At this time, the Modern Archives Institute is performing a program review. No sessions are currently planned.

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) provides scholarship funds to attend the Modern Archives Institute. The scholarship award covers the tuition, and up to $750 in travel expenses with demonstration of need, a submitted budget, and receipts.This scholarship is established in honor of MARAC member Leonard Rapport and is known as the Leonard Rapport Modern Archives Institute Scholarship.


For this scholarship, an individual must currently be employed in the MARAC region in an archival or archives-related position.


Applicants should submit a resume; a cover letter including a statement of the expected benefits of attending the Institute; and two letters of recommendation from persons having knowledge of the applicant's work and qualifications.


The Modern Archives Institute is performing a program review.

Further Information

Individuals accepting the scholarship agree to write a report on the experience for possible publication in the Mid-Atlantic Archivist.

For further information about the Modern Archives Institute, including dates, see Please note that, though the Institute fills months in advance, a space is reserved for the MARAC scholarship winner.